Volunteers in food support work – their views and why they matter
Dr Hilda Mulrooney and Dr Ronald Ranta Dr Hilda Mulrooney and Dr Ronald Ranta

Volunteers in food support work – their views and why they matter

The Community Food Research Team at Kingston University and London Metropolitan University examine the role volunteers play in providing food support to low-income families and individuals. Their research shows why food support volunteering is still important post-pandemic, and why the charitable organisations who provide the bulk of food support need to sustain the participation of volunteers more than ever before.

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Migrant Seasonal Workers Exploited While Supermarkets Profit
Catherine McAndrew Catherine McAndrew

Migrant Seasonal Workers Exploited While Supermarkets Profit

A new report has revealed the structural drivers of exploitation in the supply chain and migration system for migrant workers employed on large soft fruit farms. The Landworkers’ Alliance, in conjunction with the New Economics Foundation, Focus on Labour Exploitation, Sustain, the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, and a network of former farmworkers, launched the report to show the extent of the exploitation and makes a series of demands for reform.

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Ian Mearns: “Fighting the Corner for Food Workers”
Ian Mearns Ian Mearns

Ian Mearns: “Fighting the Corner for Food Workers”

This blog is the address from Ian Mearns, MP for Gateshead to the Annual Conference of the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union 12th June 2023. He updated conference on the main debates and developments from the BFAWU Parliamentary Group during the last year.

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The Campaign for a Right to Food Act and the Indivisibility of Human Rights
Sara Bailey Sara Bailey

The Campaign for a Right to Food Act and the Indivisibility of Human Rights

The UK is one of the richest countries in the world and yet food insecurity blights the lives of millions of its residents. In this context, under the banner of the 'Right to Food Campaign', community organisations, unions, and NGOs are turning to a new tool – the human right to food – in an effort to force the government to act.

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Community Restaurants to Universal Rights: food as an intersectional struggle
Michael Calderbank Michael Calderbank

Community Restaurants to Universal Rights: food as an intersectional struggle

The third of the Food and Work Network’s (FAWN’s) series of ‘knowledge exchange’ workshops took place at Liverpool Hope University in February 2023. Funded by the British Academy-Leverhulme Trust, this workshop brought together academics researching aspects of the food system in the UK, along with trade unionists and community activists with lived experience to share their knowledge and insight into how access to food can be problematic.

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