Dr Tommy Kane
Dr Tommy Kane is a co-founder and a director of Unity Consulting Scotland which works with trade unions and other third sector organisations. Together with the Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union, Unity conducted a survey and produced a report on food insecurity amongst food workers. Tommy is a former senior adviser for Scotland to the former leader of opposition at Westminster Jeremy Corbyn, as well as a former senior researcher at the Scottish Parliament. He is also an associate lecturer at University of the West of Scotland, and guest lectures at Kwantlen University in British Columbia, Canada.
Professor Alex Colás
Alex Colás is Professor of International Relations at Birkbeck College, University of London where he directs the MSc in Food, Politics and Society. He is co-author of Food, Politics and Society: Social Theory and the Modern Food System and co-editor of Going Native?: Settler Colonialism and Food. Alex is a member of the Brent Food Aid Network and has served on the Wandsworth Council Cost of Living Commission.
Dr Michael Calderbank
Dr Michael Calderbank is Co-Director of Solidarity Consulting, which works on behalf of a number of trade unions and charities in the UK Parliament. He coordinates the Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Parliamentary Group in Westminster and was involved in the development of the #McStrike campaign of fast food workers. A former Co-Editor of Red Pepper magazine (2009-19), Michael is currently a Contributing Editor to the journal Socialist Register and holds a PhD from the University of Manchester.